redmi 2 prime

Attack An IP With Metasploit & NMAP....🎭

➰First download Metasploit 3.3 from the official6 website.
Let it install and towards the end of the installation it
will ask if you would like Nmap installed also, choose

➰Once you have installed the Metasploit, the below
screen will open up.

➰You need to configure your scan now, I usually do a
simple -sT -sV scan which will tell us the open ports
and services running on the victims computer.
Now type nmap -sT -sV (X's being
victims Ip number)

💀Now give it 5 minutes to complete the scan,Once that is
complete if you are lucky you should get a response like

👽This is basically a list of the open ports and services
running on the target machine.
Now the handy feature of the metasploit 3.3 framework
is the autopwn feature, this basically searches and runs

💀all matching exploits in the Metasploit database against
the target machine and if successful will create a shell
or similar privilege for the attacker.

👽Now once you have the nmap results delivered back to
you showing the open ports and services type
db_autopwn -p -t -e .
From this point you will either have access to the
victims computer through a successfully launched
exploit or you will get a response saying the machine
wasn't vulnerable to any of the exploits in the
Metasploit database.
Unfortunately on this particular machine I found it
wasn't vulnerable as the image below proves.But if you
are in luck and the targeted computer is vulnerable to
exploits then BOOM.
Good luck. Have fun !!!

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